sync up meeting vs sync-up meeting

sync-up meeting 是較常見的用法。


「Sync up meeting」和「sync-up meeting」都指的是旨在讓團隊成員在任務或進度上保持一致的會議。前者將「sync up」視為動詞片語,強調同步的動作。相較之下,後者使用連字符將「sync-up」變成複合形容詞,顯得更正式或具體。雖然這兩種形式都容易理解,但在正式寫作中,使用「sync-up meeting」通常能提供更清楚的表達。總而言之,選擇哪一種形式取決於個人風格和使用情境。

  • sync-up meeting 的例句

    搜尋結果約有 588,220 筆

    Let’s have a quick sync-up meeting to see where everyone is at.

    My boss always wants to have a sync-up meeting at the start of each week.

    The purpose of this sync-up meeting isn’t just to provide a status report, but to discuss problems and find solutions together.

    The agenda for the sync-up meeting is fairly short.

    How can I make the weekly sync-up meeting more interesting?

    As the administrative assistant, I have to take minutes for the weekly sync-up meeting.

    I find sync-up meetings pretty boring.

    Before sync-up meetings, I try to make a list of what I want to discuss.

    With everyone working remotely, my manager thought it would be a good idea to have sync-up meetings occasionally to see what everyone is working on.

    Our sync-up meetings aren’t very structured, so they sometimes feel like a waste of time.

    Is everyone available for a sync-up meeting at noon?

  • sync up meeting 的例句

    搜尋結果約有 38,092 筆

    Let's sync up for the meeting this Thursday--we are still a bit off on our objectives.

    Gerald, please sync up the meeting before we start at 9:00.

    Sync up meetings by connecting good hardware, such as microphones and HDLR cameras for good audio and video feed.

    Could we please sync up meetings by discussing our agenda in advance?

    Sync up the meeting, Carol.

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